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Shin Omori Tensei
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About this mod

The Dark Souls of quirky Earthbound-inspired indie turn-based RPGs

An all-in-one mod that drastically enhances OMORI's combat system with QoL, new mechanics and settings.

What's included

Quality of life

Gameplay tweaks

Optional parameters

New content

  • A new boss fight...


How to install

Follow this short tutorial if you're not sure how to install everything.

Recommended settings

  • Difficulty: MERCILESS
  • Multipliers restriction: HS
  • Number of skills: 8
  • After a Game Over: Title screen
  • Stale moves: ON
  • Scary critical hits: ON

❗: Mandatory for the fight against BUNNY-FIEND

Additional recommendations

Final words

Thank you so much to everyone involved for allowing me to include their code, sprites or ideas.
This modpack is for all of you, players and modders, who by your support and kindness, have shown me that there is a place where I can belong. I am so grateful for meeting you all, and even though I consider this modpack to be my proudest work, I want you to know that I value each and everyone of you so much more.
So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you Labra, Pyro, Bugsie, Kodi, Ami, Arzelias, Lee, unfunky unfunny, le(o)xi, Meme, Rph, Cei, spookys, 5-HT, arbea, Lugitaro, Devalious, Draught and all the others.
You'll always be balling to me. <3


Licensing information

Like all game mods, this mod contains both original work and a limited number of original game assets. Original game assets are provided for the sake of game compatibility only, and you must own the game on Steam to use this content. By downloading any file from this website you confirm that you have purchased a legal copy of the game and that you will not knowingly re-distribute game content. Additionally, any original content of this mod is licensed under the following terms:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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