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About this mod


AUTUMN BREAK contains heavy spoilers for the original OMORI. This mod also contains themes of suicide, death and giant spiders.

This mod assumes you fully beat OMORI on the true route.

Although utmost importance is placed on accuracy, I'm not OMOCAT and cannot guarantee that the contents of the mod are true to the game's lore.


Picture this: Your autumn break has begun, and you've been granted some precious free time to spend with your friends! But between your best friend's birthday and your sister's recital, things have been taking up far more time than you were anticipating.

This is Sunny's current situation. How will these events unfold, and how will they shape his future? As the days pass, you'll get to find out how things will end with a climactic conclusion.

Discover three fully-featured days in AUTUMN BREAK in either the dream world or the real world! Explore FARAWAY TOWN in its Autumn colors and newly-crafted Headspace areas.

The TALK System allows you to communicate with your friends whenever and wherever you want!

Listen to the OST here!

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Is this a fan game? How do I play this?

A: This is a mod. You need a copy of OMORI on steam. Simply install Oneloader and put this mod into the mod folder. Do not unzip the mod.
‎--> Here's a guide to installing mods if you need one: GUIDE


Q: Why AUTUMN BREAK? Do you not know that OMORI takes place in the US?

A: Stylistic choice. “Fall break” sounds kinda stupid


Q: Does this mod have Badge support?

A: Yes dear modder, it does. Just install the badge mod and you’re good to go. They work exactly like achievements on steam do.


Q: I’m stuck/ having trouble installing the mod/ want to post my fanart / want to talk to you / want to report a bug / suggest a feature or dialogue

A: You can join my discord server!


Q: I'm getting an error when I open the game!

A: Check this google doc out! Google Doc



These mods have been tested and confirmed to work with AUTUMN BREAK (other mods may work with varying mileage):

Note1: When trying to first run Save & Load+ with AUTUMN BREAK, you will be prompted to prioritise one over the other. Choose AUTUMN BREAK.
Note2: Rename the turn order mod to "x_actualturnorder" to make it work with AUTUMN BREAK.


Currently, AUTUMN BREAK is available in English, Korean and Simplified Chinese. If you want to contribute to a translation, please join my discord server.

The translation can simply be downloaded and played right of the bat, without requiring any tinkering with files with one exception.


If you intend on playing the japanese version of AUTUMN BREAK, please also download the mod CJK Data Compatiblity. On any other version (English, Simplified Chinese and Korean) you do not need to do this.


  • Simplified Chinese: f_r_o_g_e_r
  • Korean: nt1115
  • Japanese: kanpeen


Pyro: Project Lead, Writing, Map Art, Coder, Mapper
Cooldry: Additional Art, Enemy design, Writer

Nebulaphile: Additional Art

Smile More Team, Mr.MissingNo and EL XD: Various Face Portraits
Draught: Several plugins and fixes

Playtesters: Cooldry, EL XD, Nebulaphile, starsmiley, Tugboat, Labrallie, Rybread, Tkcool

Special Thanks to kanpeen who has updated all mod variants to version 1.0.6

Mod owner

Profile picture of Pyro Pyro


Profile picture of Cooldry77 Cooldry77


Licensing information

Like all game mods, this mod contains both original work and a limited number of original game assets. Original game assets are provided for the sake of game compatibility only, and you must own the game on Steam to use this content. By downloading any file from this website you confirm that you have purchased a legal copy of the game and that you will not knowingly re-distribute game content. Additionally, any original content of this mod is licensed under the following terms:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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