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-Fixed an oversight where the player could return to the Vast Forest after receiving the Train Pass 

-Fixed a soft lock in the first area of Junkyard that occurs when walking near the cardboard cutout.

-You can no longer leave Nostalgic Space without possessing the vessel

-You can no longer get two Hector’s

-(Possibly) Fixed a bug where there is an invisible ladder tile in a Junkyard room

-(Possibly) Fixed a bug where the KEL cutscene would not load in the hospital, leaving him stuck shaking forever. Poor thing…

-Removed “HERO learned SNACK TIME!” dialogue when collecting the Baking Pan.

-Fixed a bug where all the friends (or one) would appear during the Neighbor’s Room breaktime (get out!!!)

-Removed the hands overlay that may appear in Pinwheel Forest when going on the ladder

-Talking to the flower to the right of the picnic in the Wilted Meadow no longer crashes the game

-Typos have been fixed

-After eating Sno-Cones, a different dialogue will appear when leaving the limited area

Note: Thank you again for the quick reports! I appreciate it!

Extra file information:

  • File size: 40.18 MB
  • Downloads: 328
  • GOMORI ID: thedreamer

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