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Version 1.1 Beta 4 (1.1B4)


  • Fixed a bug with short buffing/debuffing skills where reapplying the turn after would fail. (Now it resets the turn counter when used again, Long buffs unchanged). (Thanks C_G!)
  • Improved Roboskip (Made it so persistent switch versions will actually bring you to the area like the beta version of the skip. Also gave a sample of items to help and on Xrd specifically applied hangout defense buffs).
  • Restored Hp/Juice before and after the first battle of Convergence.
  • Added a skill reward for defeating a main character.

Currently I'm putting my efforts towards another project and getting it's demo out, but these things should be nice as a holdover.

Extra file information:

  • File size: 333.76 MB
  • Downloads: 7

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