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Version 1.1 Beta 3 (1.1B3)



  • Added a 'Skip to new content' Roboheart at the show stage. Once the beta stage is done, she'll be removed for everyone, but if you beat Nights x-xrd she'll reappear for the next run. Use at your own risk for base content for now.
  • Added persistent switches for beating Night X, Night XX, and Night Xrd for the first time.

Minor thing, but for those wanting to skip the opening boilerplate; after picking a night, hold down 'Z' during the fade to black, you'll skip right to the newspaper.


  • Fixed a useless NPC appearing in the Hidden Room (he's for later, MUCH later ;))
  • Fixed pre-boss audio cue from being broken. (His positioning is still off, would need to figure out how to raise 'em up in battle.)
  • Fixed moved around battle menu boxes (refix from earlier update)
  • Fixed a reentry failure following a certain boss fight. (Aka, the new area's now accessible)
  • Fixed wrong weapon icon indexes (refix)
  • Fixed MANY broken skills (refix from 1.0.8)
  • Fixed early tapes spawning.
  • Fixed misaligned collision on the Alt. Show Stage Map.

There's still likely many more bugs to find, so make sure to report 'em plz thx. (No seriously, ya'll couldn't even enter the new area these last two updates. Did you really think I'd add just a single room that soft-locks you?)

Extra file information:

  • File size: 333.76 MB
  • Downloads: 23

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