About this mod
This mod disables all save points after making a certain choice that results in an early bad ending.
Without this mod, it is possible to overwrite your only save file and lock yourself out from progressing the story.
If you are playing with the AMBIEN expansion, make sure to download the latest version.
Some game overhaul mods are not compatible with Save Saver.
Mod owner

Licensing information
Like all game mods, this mod contains both original work and a limited number of original game assets.
Original game assets are provided for the sake of game compatibility only, and you must own the game on Steam to use this content.
By downloading any file from this website you confirm that you have purchased a legal copy of the game and that you will not knowingly re-distribute game content.
Additionally, any original content of this mod is licensed under the following terms:
CC BY-SA 4.0