- Fixed Party Escape sprite
- Fixed Lasting memory
- Fixed Game Over not happening when it's Spaceboy solo fight and toasted
- Fixed Couch and Recycling Machine collision
- Fixed Kite Kid badge not given
- Fixed "x is immune" text loop when Planet X is inflicted with ailments
- Fixed Title screen to be Sunny (only after reverie save)
- Actually added Donuts, so the badge is obtainable
- Broke Mole in ticket place interacts with Sweetheart's tag
- Removed unused biscuit texts
- Plugins are merged and cleaned up. Nomori is merged with Reverie fixes
NOTE: For saves past Planet X, The fix for the bug of empty skill and no Lasting Memory skill are:
Unequip the “empty” skill (no text at all) done in console (with console mod: /removeskill 17 1522 (removes the empty skill) /addskill 17 1542 (adds Lasting Memory)
Extra file information:
- File size: 177.18 MB
- Downloads: 129
- GOMORI ID: reverie