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- Planet X syncs emotion with wig and vice versa; Wig is not emotion immune anymore
- Good Cook is fixed
- Sustain is fixed
- Star Fragments are now sellable
- Dual Blaster Hitrate 90 > 50
- Blunderbuss Hitrate 50 > 40
- Sunny’s Normal attack and Concerto no longer calculate in buff twice
- Concerto damage emotion low to high: 3/2/1 > 2.5/2/1.5
- Punchdown Damage: 2.3 > 2.25
- Life Jam Guy HP: 1200 > 1100
- Conemole and Conductor very slight nerf on defense
- nullifying ailments will now show on the battlelog
Extra file information:
- File size: 146.93 MB
- Downloads: 3
- GOMORI ID: reverie