REVERIE - [CHAPTER 1-3] (3.0.2)
- Evasion Stats are now displayed
- Enemies have Level range
- More info are split into own reverie version
- Fixed Windbreaker giving multiple Endures
- Fixed Concerto skill dealing no damage
- Fixed Single target emotion items sound effects
- Fixed Wendyheart swap Win and lose message
- Fixed Party has been defeated showing up twice
- Fixed Sunny not enduring in special battles
- Fixed Sustain in Dreamworld Doughie equipped causing Special fight Doughie to gets it's effect as well
- Fixed Yeast item AntiFail tag
- Fixed Lucy's item missing icons
- Boss Lose effect and sound now plays on Real World Special Fights
- "Cannibalism" Badge can be obtained now when consumed in Overworld
- Lost ball quest available at evening (also fixes floating box)
- Multiple text unhardcoded
Gameplay Changes
- Wendyheart now auto remove bunnies on defeat
- Windbreaker Endure now also mention in text
- Focus Skill Description changed to mention for next turn rather than next attack
- Focus Skill Cost 32 -> 27
- Doughie in Wendyheart battle now Lvl 30 (Previously 31, oversight)
- Sunny in Donut fight now have Lasting Memory to ensure Sunny doesn't endure
- Multiple Weapon nerf hitrate (previous oversight)
Specific Charms and Weapons changes
- Charms - Manhole - EVA 0 > -10
- Charms - Gem Necklace - EVA 0 > 5; Removed Crit Damage
- Weapons - Tongs - HIT 130 > 115
- Weapons - Shovel - HIT 120 > 110
- Weapons - Sand Blaster - HIT 120 > 110
- Weapons - Hairdryer - HIT 150 > 120
- Weapons - Solar Flare - HIT 120 > 110
- Weapons - Light Gun - HIT 110 > 115; EVA 0 > 3
- Weapons - Kite - HIT 80 > 75; EVA 0 > 5
- Weapons - Katana - LUK 9 > 7
- Weapons - Cleaver - LUK 7 > 9
- Weapons - Gloves - EVA 0 > 3
Extra file information:
- File size: 339.68 MB
- Downloads: 255
- GOMORI ID: reverie