Banner image for mod Pink Tinted Love Stories CH3
Icon for mod Pink Tinted Love Stories CH3
Pink Tinted Love Stories CH3
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About this mod

Sunburn is still the best!


One year after the truth, a letter from Aubrey makes Sunny's heart skip a beat. Did she really invite him on a date?

Experience a short love story between the pink haired delinquent and the not so silent one-eyed boy as they hang out with their friends, frivolously spend money and navigate their shared trauma.

And after that, witness all the lovely new memories they form, whether by themselves or with their friends, as life keeps moving on and the events of those dreadful four years start to fade from memory.

How to play:

  • To start the mod simply choose NEW GAME.
  • Chapter two and the following chapters will be accessible via the cork board in Sunny's room. A save file that leads straight to that point can be found here.

Known problems:

  • Errors after removing the mod: This error is caused by the game trying to load files that don't exist, download this mod to fix it or remove the save files.
  • Conflict with Save and Load Plus: This has been fixed by the modder Saffron, if you are having issues, download the latest version.
  • General errors: Ensure that your game version is 1.0.8 and that the mod is NOT IN A ZIP FILE! For some reason PTLS is the only mod that does not work properly if you leave it inside a .zip, so please unzip it!

Useful links:






  • 日本語版をプレイする場合は、本Modの最新の日本語版に加え、CJK Data Compabilityをダウンロードしてください。
  • 初めてModを導入する方は、こちらの記事をご参照ください。
  • 本Modを開始するには、「はじめる」を選択してください。
  • チャプター2以降はサニーの部屋のコルク板から進行できるようになる予定です。翻訳の完成をお楽しみに!


  • ゲームデータからModを削除した後のエラー:このエラーはゲームが存在しないファイルを読み込もうとすることが原因です。この問題を修正するには、Mod Save File Fixをダウンロードするか、ゲームデータからセーブファイルを削除してください(バックアップを推奨します)。
  • Save and Load Plusとのコンフリクト:この問題はSaffronによって修正されました。もし問題がある場合は、最新版をダウンロードしてください。



Nunca Knows Besuto ((development team)): Anna and Jericho

Japanese translation: Kanpeen; Jay; Anna; Aoisensi

Visual novel style portraits: Fatal

Funding: Practically Unethical; Fatal; ScarletLantern; EspFish

Supporters: Shar1k; Dataco; The4802; FireForged; Basil Cheddar; MC; Towel; KyleMK4YT; Tuzi; Saltness Monster; Matthew Bins; Sirius; Luciel; TheAwakening; Blue; VastMarbles; Klota

Play testers: Discoendymion9; JTSYoRHa; alpar2699; consumelays; Nuroneer; Dataco1250; FireForgedReal; sillyzoomka; buckwindow; _the_savior; theawakening5248; Towel; fatal.error; Sunndials; VastMarbles; stevegame573; TheRealHuss; lilpharma69; KyleMK4YT; oddTanjiro; mcvillager101

Atlas disambiguation plug-in: Draughtnyan

Badges system: Draughtnyan

Support for Save and Load Plus: Saffron

Music from the CDs ((which I own nothing of)): Idiot CD / Life CD / Unknown CD / Theory CD / Crimson CD

Mod owner

Profile picture of Jericho Jericho


Licensing information

Like all game mods, this mod contains both original work and a limited number of original game assets. Original game assets are provided for the sake of game compatibility only, and you must own the game on Steam to use this content. By downloading any file from this website you confirm that you have purchased a legal copy of the game and that you will not knowingly re-distribute game content. Additionally, any original content of this mod is licensed under the following terms:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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