About this mod
OLD DESCRIPTION: This mod makes boss rush painful, bad, and just otherwise unpleasant. That's how it was supposed to go anyways.
Originally a series of joke fights that got out of hand, this mod aims to increase the challenge of boss rush by altering the fights in a number of absurd ways. Balance is skewed against you at every corner, so you better come prepared to throw everything you can at it.
Note: Some light alterations to the base mechanics have been made for added fun (Or not).
Double Note: Interacting with the new objects in the Lobby will let you swap between the RW and DW friends. Do this to set up accessories for both parties.
Triple Note: Audio Warning (Volume) for the second fight. It might be a bit much.
Big thanks to everyone who contributed and helped test this one, it was fun bringing a lot of the jokes to life. I'll continue updating this as issues crop up, I'm sure there's a bunch of bugs hidden somewhere.
As an unexpected twist of fate, Painful Boss Rush has been updated to its Deluxe Form! Included is a variety of altered and new fights for more flavors of Pain! A number of changes have been made to the mechanics, most of which have been taken from my main mod project: Gameplay Remix Speaking of, awaiting you at the end of your trials is a special cameo fight from a newly remixed fight in that mod. Upon speaking to Boss in the lobby, you will be upgraded with some new stuff to enjoy including expanded skill slots!
I can't thank everyone who helped me come this far enough. From testing, suggesting ideas, and helping me set up the files properly, I've had a lot of help from all sorts of people. This is a sort of showcase of all the fun things I've been able to work on, and all the fun people I've gotten to work with.
Special Thanks to as many people as I can list: -Cooldry -Huultah -Labraman -TwistedTurk -Jakeyboiii -SJ -Goober -Derek -Ayaan -Literally everyone else in my server at this point.
And a humongous thanks to RPH for being the wizard that creates all of these wonderful advancements in the first place. Without their help, Modding as we know it would be very different, and far less interesting.
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