OneMaker MV (1.0.7)
Version 1.0.7
Made ShowText preview use the OMORI_GAME2 font.
Allowed modification of the maximun level of Actors and Classes database tab, and the Change Level Event Command (See One_MaxLevel.qml).
Added infrastucture for changing the icons/images the editor uses (See One_UserImageSelection.qml).
Currently available icon packes:
- Default
- MZ
- Koffin's Pack
Changed Files
- qml\BasicControls\FontManager.js
- qml\BasicControls\Palette.qml
- qml\BasicControls\MessageBox.qml
- qml\BasicControls\MessageBoxWithUrl.qml
- qml\BasicControls\ToolButton.qml
- qml\Controls\FileListBox.qml
- qml\Dialogs\Dialog_ParameterCurves.qml
- qml\Events\EventCommands\EventCommand316.qml
- qml\Events\EventCommands\EventCommand357.qml
- qml\Images\**
- qml\Event\Canvas_TextPreview.qml
- qml\Fonts\OMORI_GAME2.tff
- qml\Main\MainMenu.qml
- qml\Map\MapSelectTreeBox.qml
- qml\Singletons\One_UserImageSelection.qml
- qml\Singletons\One_MaxLevel.qml
- qml\_OneMakeMV\One_ImagePack.qml
- qml\Singletons\One_WorkingMode.qml // This file will not be included in the Upgrade Package.
- qml\Database\Edit_Actors.qml
- qml\Singletons\qmldir
- qm\_OneMakerMV\qmldir
Extra file information:
- File size: 2.01 MB
- Downloads: 6
- File name: OneMaker-MV.7z
- File type: application/x-compressed