About this mod
One day, OMORI decided that he wanted to fucking die.
So he downloaded this mod. You should download it, too.
Modded Boss-Rush is boss-rush except with the bosses replaced by modded bosses. Because everyone LOVES modded superbosses that hit harder than the family of 4 i accidently hit with my truck when I was delivering fruit to the supermarket.
Press the "New Game" button (on the left) to begin the boss rush. Trying to enter it normally won't work. You're not carrying your 99 sno-cones into boss rush, smartass.
This boss-rush contains about nearly 17 unique bosses, all with their own unique gimmicks and dialogue you do not know the lore behind. Lol. Don't worry, I didn't play any of the mods either.
I would like to give special thanks to everyone who made the bosses for this bossrush and also special thanks to DNIYM for finding out that bug where OMORI could OD on shrooms and become John Clome. I mean God. I mean John Clome. Also thanks to Lee for writing this description. They didn't actually write it. I think. I wrote it. I don't know, maybe I'm Lee.
If you would like your boss to be added, I don't care. For now. I'll maybe update it in the future if there's enough new bosses. But as of writing this I'm not in the future soooo
Why the fuck are you reading this, it's just a mod where you press new game and do boss-rush. There's no insane lore or new characters or new gimmicks. Download the mod. Thanks. I appreciate it. <3
omori do boss, he kill boss, you should kill boss, you killed all boss, you are bored, now you want more boss, but to more boss you need to download like 20 different mods
this mod, its awesome, it makes all the mods into one mods, its so awesome, its so convinient, download now.
if you want your boss to be added to this mod i will probably consider it
this was written by LEE the one and only true LEE.
Mod owner


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