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Sprite Fixes (1.1.0)


Renamed to Sprite Fixes and updated to use image deltas.


  • Fixes top of hair clipping while running left/right


  • Fixes top of hair clipping while running left/right

  • Tweaked upwards run animation

Headspace Aubrey:

  • Fixes pixel of bow disappearing while running right

  • Removes extra pixels in flour sprites between bow

Faraway Aubrey:

  • Tweaked downwards and right running animation

Headspace Hero:

  • Fixes pixel of hair appearing and disappearing while walking forwards

  • Removes extra pixels in flour sprites between hair

Faraway Hero:

  • Fixes pixel of hair disappearing while walking forwards

Extra file information:

  • File size: 0.08 MB
  • Downloads: 50
  • GOMORI ID: spritefixes

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