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Sprite Fixes
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About this mod

Fixes minor issues with the party's overworld sprites.


  • Fixes top of hair clipping while running left/right

  • Running left now matches the walking left sprites

  • Raft sprites reflect direction

  • Sprout mole mask mouth remains properly coloured at all times


  • Fixes top of hair clipping while running left/right

  • Tweaked upwards run animation

  • Running left now matches the walking left sprites

  • Sleeping secret lake sprite now has proper colours

  • Parts of his shirt no longer become skin coloured and legs no longer become white during tag animations

  • Ears no longer become white during stab animation

  • Sunny's shirt is now black reflecting all other artwork of him in the game (Accurate Colours)

Headspace Aubrey:

  • Fixes pixel of bow disappearing while running right

  • Removes extra pixels in flour sprites between bow

  • Raft sprites reflect direction

  • Sprout mole mask mouth remains properly coloured at all times

Faraway Aubrey:

  • Tweaked downwards and right running animation

  • Scooter sprites reflect direction

  • Bat sprite now animates properly

Headspace Kel:

  • Fixes highlights in hair shifting sides while walking up

  • Sprout mole mask mouth remains properly coloured at all times

  • Kel's hair while throwing no longer changes to FA Kel's hair shape

Faraway Kel:

  • Fixes highlights in hair shifting sides while walking up

  • Tweaked left/right running animation

  • Tweaked climbing animation

  • Cleaned up extra pixels around head while walking right, up, and in a few animations

  • Young Kel's hair matches headspace Kel's

  • Fixed shorts being discoloured while facing backwards

  • Kel's skin tone now matches his portraits (Accurate Colours)

Headspace Hero:

  • Fixes pixel of hair appearing and disappearing while walking forwards

  • Removes extra pixels in flour sprites between hair

  • Sprout mole mask mouth remains properly coloured at all times

  • The stripes on Hero's right arm now reach the top of his arm like the left arm

Faraway Hero:

  • Replaces all sprites still using the old hoodie design with his shirt

  • Fixes pixel of hair disappearing while walking forwards

  • Hero's skin tone now matches his portraits (Accurate Colours)

Headspace Basil:

  • Cleans up a few extra pixels around flowers while facing right

  • No longer changes colour while running

Faraway Basil:

  • Tweaked running animation

  • Parts of some of Basil's sprites no longer use Sunny's skin tone

Headspace Mari:

  • Eye colour now matches the other headspace characters

  • Added the missing blush all other characters have

  • Mari's arms are now the correct skin tone in all sprites

Faraway Mari:

  • Added the missing blush all other characters have

Mod owner

Profile picture of Boni Boni


Profile picture of monnettie monnettie


Licensing information

Like all game mods, this mod contains both original work and a limited number of original game assets. Original game assets are provided for the sake of game compatibility only, and you must own the game on Steam to use this content. By downloading any file from this website you confirm that you have purchased a legal copy of the game and that you will not knowingly re-distribute game content. Additionally, any original content of this mod is licensed under the following terms:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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