New Commands! (0.2.0)
Omori Debug Console (v0.2.0)
This mod is still in beta, missing features and bugs are to be expected!
- /addparty [name] - Adds a character to the party
- /removeparty [name] - Removes a character from the party
- /hp [name] [value | max] - Sets the character's HP to value
- /mp [name] [value | max] - Sets the character's MP to value
- /heal [name] - Heals the player
- /switch [name] [on | off] - Sets the switch to on or off. Passing only the name will show the value instead
- /variable [name] [value] - Sets the variable to value. Passing only the name will show the value instead
- /event [name] - Runs an event
- /joinbattle is merged with /battle, so it's no longer needed to run a separate command to add new enemies to the battle
- You can now pass relative x and y coordinates while adding a new enemy to the battle /battle [id | name] [x = 0] [y = 0]
- Changed the error handling, so instead you will get an error output in the console
- Autocomplete improvements
- Minor bug fixes and refactoring
Extra file information:
- File size: 0.01 MB
- Downloads: 170
- GOMORI ID: console