About this mod
MOST OF THE SPRITES SHOULD BE EDITED. Basically, changed the colors of all (or at least most) of Dream AUBREY, KEL, and HERO's sprites to their color associated with them. AUBREY is pink, KEL is orange, and HERO is blue. I didn't any of the Real World sprites, or MARI and BASIL's HEADSPACE sprites either, as MARI is already purple, and BASIL already is pretty much green, but BASIL's portraits are also changed to match that. Mirrors, Polaroids, and cutscenes are NOT changed. Only the sprites and faces. All changes, basically: The hue on Dream AUBREY's sprites were changed to have a more pink color. AUBREY's face portraits were changed to be pink. The hue of Dream KEL's sprites were changed to have a more orangish color. KEL's face portraits were changed to be orange. The hue of Dream HERO's sprites were changed to have a more blueish color. HERO's face portraits were changed to be a lighter blue then normal. BASIL's face portraits were changed to be green. Also changed AUBREY and KEL's AFRAID portraits to be black and white like HERO's.
Yes, I know KEL looks ugly, sorry. I'll try to add updates if I miss any sprites. This is my first mod, btw.
Mod owner
![Profile picture of anthonytheperson](https://m1img-ugc----i-see-you-hotlinking-my-images-stop-that-and.lets-go-on-a.date/42/65/4265d3b0-0ffd-473b-89ee-475265f1e710.webp)
Licensing information
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License