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OMORI 2019 build restoration
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About this mod

!!DISCLAIMER!! The mod is unlikely to be compatible with other mods, so tread lightly.


What is the 2019 build?

The Omori 2019 Build Restoration Mod aims to restore and polish a pre-release version of OMORI, dating back to somewhere in 2019.

Only a piece of this version of the game has been found, that being the data folder from said build accidentally being placed in the characters folder in the v1.0.0 release of the final game.

In consequence, most maps, sprites, and plugins conflicted with what the 2019 build had been intended for. This mod aims to re-add all that missing content, alongside a plethora of extras to view more cut content found hidden within both the build and the game itself.

All of the custom/recreated content is based or inspired on existing concept art, older remnants of older versions of assets, or on developer notes found within the files.



Bug fixes

QoL Features

Fully playable from start to finish

Settings to enable older events

Settings to enable unused events

Settings to enable recreations of cut content from around the time of the build, but not present within it.

【警告】 本Modは、他のModとの互換性が低いため、取り扱いには十分ご注意ください。 日本語版の本Modを使用する場合は、日本語版OMORIとV1.4.1以降のOneLoaderを必ずご使用ください。


2019 Buildとは?

OMORI 2019 Build Restoration Modは、2019年のどこかに立ち返り、リリース前のバージョンのOMORIを復元・磨き上げることを目的としています。


そのため、多くのマップ・スプライト・プラグインが、2019 Buildがかつて意図していたものと矛盾してしまいました。本Modは、2019 Buildやゲーム本編の両方に隠されたより多くのカットされたコンテンツを見るための多数の追加修正と共に、全ての失われたコンテンツを再追加することを目的としています。









・2019 Build当時存在したと思われるものの、データ内に存在しないカットされたコンテンツの再現を有効にする設定


Licensing information

Like all game mods, this mod contains both original work and a limited number of original game assets. Original game assets are provided for the sake of game compatibility only, and you must own the game on Steam to use this content. By downloading any file from this website you confirm that you have purchased a legal copy of the game and that you will not knowingly re-distribute game content. Additionally, any original content of this mod is licensed under the following terms:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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